1. Currently Most Popular Place To Visits By Malaysians Peoples.....WHY?
a. For Luck (Ong/Chye/Tuah...).........4 digits number.
b. Nice Place........inside the jungles.
c. Got Dead Tree.........this tree some peoples goes to scribe the body with pray and got the numbers.
d.How to go there ?.......From Penang Seberang Jaya Highway Straight to Gerik(~2hrs) and to Kampung Sawa(~30min)-Siam Wat.
e. Also got Famous Fish Ball(1 pc=0.50 cents) near Lengkong.PERAK.
This coming School Holidays...........may attract more, more, more peoples (around Malaysia) to............visits there !
Good Lucks.........For all Visitors.